Responsive image
Javascript Django Dot Net
Dot Net Sites
Pre-Core Templates
Pre-Core Applications
PizzaShop (AngularJS)
Core Web App Templates
Web Shell Web App Angular Vue 2 React React/Redux Knockout
Core Web API Templates
API Shell API App API / HelloWorld

Some Dot Net projects listed here are quite old & pre-Core. They were started as side-projects & are no longer actively maintained. But they exist.
Many of the Core projects are actively maintained & kept (or will be) in the latest Core version or duplicated & updated.
At the time of writing (20/1/22) I am still in Vue/Nuxt/Next mode. All my Dot Net stuff with be revisited in Feb/March.
The Core + Javascript frameworks are demos just to show they work.

Some parts of some of these sites may demonstrate the Microsoft Identity System - offering the ability to register & log on to parts of the application. This is for demo purposes only. Feel free to use a fake email address. No emails will be sent out. Site data is not used for any other purpose. Other than demos of the Serilog logging framework these sites hold no analytics or marketing code. Nothing is tracked or monitored.

ASP MVC 5, Entity Framework 6 .net Framework 4.6, Ajax, Bootstrap, jQuery.
PizzaShopAN (AngularJS)
AngularJS. This is no longer maintained. The app is also available as a windows .exe powered by NW (formerly Node-Webkit).
Web Shell
ASP MVC Core 2, Entity Framework 6, Ajax, Bootstrap, jQuery, Docker/Linux ready. This is a bare-bones template demonstrating only techniques & options..

Web App
ASP MVC Core 2, Entity Framework 6, Ajax, Bootstrap, jQuery

Core 2 & Javascript Frameworks
Just to demo the various Js Frameworks running in Core 2 under IIS:
Vue 2
API Shell
ASP MVC Core 2, Entity Framework 6. It's Docker/Linux ready, uses JWTs for authentication, filters for Cors & is visualised with Swagger. This is a bare-bones template demonstrating only techniques & options.

ASP MVC Core 2+, Entity Framework 6+, visualised with Swagger. This on-going project will be a fully working API, connected to actual data.

API / HelloWorld
As per the previous API but without Swagger visualisation